![]() Rangerville Party 2007Celebrating the Magic of Life on Gaia.Starting at 2pm on Saturday, June 2nd. Expect conversations and conviviality, along with music and smiles galore. Not visiting dogs, circumspect attitudes or faux behaviours. Provided will be a roast turkey, a keg of ale, a large vat of spearmint tea and the place for us all to play. Bring something galactically significant for the potluck and your beverage of choice (please, no glass containers outside). If you have any outrageous but ill-fitting clothes, bring them for the clothing swap. Bring your musical instruments if you want to jam. Consider a flashlight for after dark, and some doo-dahs you can combine with the myriad of Peeps already here in order to win first place in the Peeps Lah-Te-Da Art Contest. Oh, and if you have some brightly colored fabric scraps you could do without please bring them for the re-wrap of Mother NatureÕs buddy, Pegasus. Wear fanciful, brightly colored raiment, and bring a wrap to keep that notorious NW summer nightime chill at bay. Anticipate fire spinners, bands, prizes, events and, of course, the unexpected.
Parking will be shown by signs on nearby roads and alcoves. Drop off food and passengers in front first, and see any special instructions for parking. Please carpool if possible! Questions may be addressed to 724-7355, or sent via email to ranger@rangerville.com. PS If you need an invitation to put onto your refrigerator as a reminder, click here to access a pdf version suitable for printing.